
The guide was created by Hollow#2494. Huge thanks to him!

Welcome everyone to the beginners guide! Before I indulge into details, I'd like to make one thing a super important priority, and this thing is to burn your Story Tickets asap when you start out.

In this game, the story is locked behind Tickets which refresh each 3 hours and you don't want for them to overflow - those tickets are also used for boss dungeons and they give you around 200 gems daily, which you don't want to miss out on and want to start farming right after story. If you manage your Story Tickets right, you should be able to clear Chapter 3 in 4-5 days. Chapter 4 was added 2 weeks after the game has released in KR/JPN and we're not sure if it will be available right away on the Global release.

Important! It seems the Story Tickets have been removed in Global and you just need stamina to tackle the story stages. This means you can progress faster and obtain way more rewards.

Now for the actual start of the guide, this guide will basically focus on the path from start till the point you start consistently farming for LR rarity gear at Stage 15 on gear dungeons. First thing you'd want to do is prioritize just 4 units to work on, preferably Blue type units, since they will be the ones you'd use for the first gear dungeon. So regarding units, there's several things to keep in mind: affinity, exp, rarity and gear - are the most important ones, there's also talents and stars but those i'll explain later.

Character - Affinity

Beginner guide

Affinity is basically like relationship, you can and will need to farm it in order to raise the affinity level for units quickly. As for why, its because in this game, dupes aren't mandatory - you get character and universal shards from building up affinity for the character and you use them to limit break them so to say.

Let's take SSR rarity unit as example - they starts at SSR, then go to UR and then to LR, but you only need universal shards for the UR break, and both for UR and LR you'll need 5 character specific shards (2 for UR and 3 for LR). In any other game you would need to get 5 dupes to get those shards, but in Black Clover Mobile, you can unlock them via the Affinity system.

Beginner guide

As for how to actually farm for the affinity consistently, the best way is to do stages on those 'huts' on the maps - any stage from normal till nightmare will give more affinity than anything else in the game currently.

Oh and each unit has a costume on lvl 9 of affinity, some of them are quite goofy, some are pretty sick, regardless, it's a pretty nice addition.

Beginner guide

And no, costumes in this game don't you any stats - they just alter the look of the character.

Character - Experience

Beginner guide

Next on the list is exp - pretty self explanatory, just experience you'll use to level characters. This is also farmable by doing specific exp stages in the farming section part of the games menu, levels go from 1-60 at SSR, then 60-80 at UR and 80-100 for LR.

For lower rarity units the cap respectively changes from lvl 1 – 40 for SR and 1 – 20 for R, lower rarity units are also able to be broken up to LR, just the whole process takes a bit longer.

Character - Rarity

Beginner guide

Now the rarity, as I mentioned in the last section, there's several rarities in this game: R – SR – SSR – UR – LR, and what's important is that all the units can be brought up to LR rarity.

The biggest difference is the change in their base stats. SSR units have them higher than all the other rarities, but that doesn't mean that SR units are by any means bad though - there are several you can use just fine or as a substitute if you're missing someone from the SSR rarity as well. As for the breakthrough mechanic itself, as I mentioned above, you'll need shards which you can farm by raising their affinity.

Character - Talents and Star levels

Beginner guide

Now a little something regarding talents and stars. Talents are additional passives you can unlock for each character - you farm a specific dungeon, then use those materials to unlock 2 talents from each tree on a unit, and that unit gains extra things to say in a simple manner.

Beginner guide

Stars are obtained by using a character shard on the unit that's already LR, they give stat boosts and at Star level 2, you unlock another passive, but they're not really game changers, and the stat boosts aren't high, so this is just something to keep in mind if you get an extra dupe of them.


Beginner guide

Gear is probably one of the more important things, like in most gachas honestly. So with gear, you have the same type of rarities from R-LR, and gear is also farmable in specific dungeons.

There are 3 dungeons available: Red, Blue and Green – and for each of these dungeons the recommended teams to use are mono teams. Mono means a single color team of counter element in this case, against Red dungeon, you'll want to run a Blue team as example.

It's important to know that there are also two types of gear:

  • Base gear
  • Golden gear

Golden gear has a gold border around the icon and it starts dropping from the Stage 10 in each of the gear dungeons - that's the gear you want to focus on. Treat the base gear as placeholders (as in use the pieces for the main stats boost, but don't force yourself to finish a set). For example, a UR base gear piece with MATK main stat will give you a bigger boost than 2x SSR set pieces.

So the priority for equipping gear is as follows:

  • Higher rarity - it's always better due to the massive boost to the main stat,
  • Correct main stats - MATK/ATK on attackers/supporters/debuffers, DEF or HP on defenders (but there are some exceptions to that),
  • Correct gold border set with correct main stat,
    • Also equipping 3x 2-piece sets is better than going for 1x 4-piece set and 1x 2-piece set. Simply because to activate a 4-piece set you're forced to equip gear pieces with HP/DEF main stats and this is bad especially for offensive characters.
Beginner guide

Each of these dungeons have different sets of Golden gear they drop:

  • Red dungeon - ATK, Speed and DEF sets
  • Blue dungeon - CRIT Rate and HP sets
  • Green dungeon - CRIT DMG and Penetration sets

To learn more about the available gear sets and which teams to use to farm the Gear dungeons, check our other guides:

How to spend stamina?

This part of the guide will be added soon!

Who to pull?

That's pretty much the most important things regarding units, now about who to actually pull for right?

There might be several different suggestions since the best start is quite subjective and also time investment dependent, but in my opinion, if you want the best start aka godroll, you'd want to start with Blue/Red Yami, Mars and either Lotus or William (or both if you get lucky enough.)

Yami [Clover Academy]
Yami Sukehiro
Lotus Whomalt
William Vangeance

These 3-4 units are the best ones to start with, since they're all super strong in most of the content the game currently has. Regarding which Yami to go for, its kinda up to you, I personally prefer Red Yami since he just puts more raw damage to the table than Blue does, but Blue is very good in PvP and still does decent damage in PvE content.

The main reason though, why I'm suggesting these units, is due to them all being superb units for the first, aka Red Dungeon, you'll want to farm.

  • Mars is the best tank there, hands down, there's an SR defender called Sol that can substitute him, but Mars just makes the runs easier and safer in a shorter amount of time since you started playing on that account,
  • Lotus is amazing since he slows down the mobs and puts a debuff on them which increases their damage taken,
  • William is also great, since his Skill 2 cooldown is 2 turns, so there's only 1 turn when he uses his basic attack and then he can boost the main dps again, giving them a pretty significant damage increase for 2 turns on top of boosting their stamina.

Gateway of Destiny

Black Clover Mobile

Gateway of Destiny is a very interesting system that allows you to obtain one of the special seasonal characters for free. The first season features 3 characters: Asta, Yami and Mimosa.

Asta [Clover Academy]
Mimosa [Clover Academy]
Yami [Clover Academy]

The seasonal characters are actually really strong - they sit among the best characters in the game. Asta ia great Red Attacker, Mimosa is the best Healer in the game and Yami is really annoying in PVP (but with Licht release the Blue meta shifted a bit in KR/JPN), and still decent in PVE.

When the season first starts, there will be a dedicated Seasonal banner where you will have a higher chance to get the seasonal characters, but after 2 weeks, once the banner ends, they will be added to the General Pool of character. Still, once a new season releases, they will be removed again and replaced by the new Seasonal characters.


  • Focus only on the main team at the start,
  • Don’t use character shards for anything else but the unit breakthroughs,
  • Use your Story Tickets asap, try to burn through all of them on day 1,
  • Gear dungeon stage 10 is your first big priority to get to as then you can star farming Gold Gear,
    • Once you gear your team in UR rarity pieces, you can start pushing forward and farming LR gear in Stages 12-15.
  • Dupes aren’t mandatory, as an f2p, you’ll only want the unit and maybe their Signature Grimoire,
  • Game is grindy, take your own pace and don’t rush, it should be played as a marathon, not a sprint, most importantly, enjoy it,
  • Try to give PvP some attention as well, it gives a solid amount of gems, and isn’t too hard to climb with a decent team.
