
As a rule of thumb, if you have the Signature Skill Page for that character, just equip it. The upgraded version of the skill you that way it's the biggest boost the character can get and even the Skill Page passive often works well with the kit.

If you don't have te Signature Skill Page, you are forced to either use the Universal ones or the Class specific ones - if you equip a Skill Page from other class, the passive won't activate.

Attacker Skill Pages

Here are the best Attacker Skill Pages you can use in Black Clover Mobile:

  • Sea Serpent's Pride gives 7/15% CRIT Rate and that's more than some of the Gear Sets you can farm - if you don't have the signature Skill Page, make sure to use this one on your Attackers,
  • Sharp Eye gives a nice 5/10% ATK and MATK boost and since its rarity is R, it's easy to superimpose it.

Debuffer Skill Pages

Here are the best Debuffer Skill Pages you can use in Black Clover Mobile:

  • Senior's Dignity gives 10% ACCURACY and 10/20% PEN - the first stat will help your debuffers land their debuffs, and the second will help in increasing their damage output.

Defender Skill Pages

Here are the best Defender Skill Pages you can use in Black Clover Mobile:

False Confidence
Loyal Sister
Persevering Resolution
  • False Confidence gives both 5% Max HP and 10/30% DEF - both of those stats will help your Defenders to stay alive longer,
  • Loyal Sister is a trigger based Skill Page that has a 20% chance to reduce the ATK of the enemy who attacked your Defender,
  • Persevering Resolution is only worth using against Bosses, but it gives a massive damage reduction then (10/18%).

Healer Skill Pages

Here are the best Healer Skill Pages you can use in Black Clover Mobile:

Crimson She-Leopard
Meat Enthusiast
Gentle Compassion

Supporter Skill Pages

Here are the best Supporter Skill Pages you can use in Black Clover Mobile:

Cultist's Retribution
Excited Nature
Oath of Protection

Universal Skill Pages

Here are the best universal Skill Pages you can use in Black Clover Mobile:

Adventurer's Journal
Breath of Darkness
Breath of Flame
Moonlight Necklace
Mysterious Ancient Book