Awakened SigmaInformation and Guide


Awakened Sigma is a ASSR Rarity character from the
Striker class and
type. They are part of the Final Phase faction.

To learn more about Awakened Sigma check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Awakened Sigma check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.


Review and ratings

Other information


Combat information
Deployment Cost
6 cost
Movement Type
Attack type

Basic Attack

Valid hits: 2

Cooldown: -

Attack the nearby enemy with her gauntlets, dealing AOE Damage.

Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +5%


Terrabrain Synchronization

Valid hits: -

Cooldown: -

Deploys together with Terrabrain. While Terrabrain is on the field, all Sigma attacks except for Ultimate will unleash additional attacks, and Sigma gains additional effects. Terrabrain cannot receive healing, buffs, or debuffs and it gets destroyed after receiving 15 hits regardless of damage.

Terrabrain's additional effects: ATK+25%, HP Recovery per sec+3%

※All Allies including Sigma gain Role DISADV DMG Res+100%

Level 2: DMG RES +2%

Level 3: DMG RES +2%

Level 4: DMG RES +4%

Level 5: When Terrabrain gets destroyed, Sigma enters the runaway state and her skills become sealed for 15 seconds. She also gains hitstun immunity, debuff immunity, immortality, +100% ATK, and +100% ASPD for the duration of the skill seal. (Unleash additional attacks during runaway state)


Σ! Σ! Rush!

Valid hits: 3

Cooldown: 24 seconds

Approaches the target in front then repeatedly strike them with the gauntlet, dealing AoE damage. Gain immunity to hitstun from Special or lower skills for 8s after casting.

Level 2: DMG +5%

Level 3: DMG +5%

Level 4: DMG +15%

Level 5: Every additional attack reduces the cooldown of the Special skill by 1s


Final Phase: Terra Laser

Valid hits: 4

Cooldown: 50 seconds

Unleashes the full power of Terrabrain and deals AoE damage to enemies in front. Targets outside of 1300 reach do not receive damage, and damaged targets' skills become sealed for 10 seconds (Bosses excluded).

Level 2: DMG +5%

Level 3: DMG +5%

Level 4: DMG +15%

Level 5: For 18 seconds after casting the skill, Additional attacks always CRIT. Ultimate cooldown -12s when Sigma enters the runaway state.


Awakened Sigma stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!

KR Release Date
August 23rd, 2022
GLOBAL Release Date
June 8th, 2023



PVE (Early)


PVE (Late)




Awakened Sigma (ASigma) is a melee damage dealer with incredible damage and survivability. ASigma sees frequent use in both PVE and PVP and can single-handedly carry new accounts deep into the game with how many roles she covers as a unit.

ASigma’s tower provides her a strong self-regeneration effect that gives her staying power as a frontline unit, and when destroyed throws her into a berserk state, granting powerful offensive self-buffs. She also boasts the highest ultimate skill multiplier in the game. All these combine to create a self-healing frontline tank with more damage capacity than the majority of this game’s dedicated damage dealers.

PVE Review

ASigma’s unique combination of frontline tankiness and obscene damage output make her an premier PVE unit, as she fills both the frontline tank and the damage dealer roles on the team. As such, she is one of the premier damage carries, outperformed only by Eve Meitner.

ASigma is the best carry by far when it comes to progressing general story content. She is very strong in Dives and can clear all of Shadow Palace on her own. ASigma transitions well as you get into endgame PVE content, with well-defined niches in Dimension Trimming and various Danger Close bosses.

PVP Review

As a frontline damage dealer with one of the most damaging ultimates in the game, ASigma applies a ton of pressure just by existing. ASigma’s kit, coupled with her absurd base stats, combine to create a stat stick monster who can rapidly overwhelm her enemies when left unchecked.

While ASigma isn’t exactly hard to use (unga bunga smash), her tower introduces a surprising amount of depth to her gameplay. The tower can be deployed in such a way that it is more/ less susceptible to being destroyed, granting you some degree of control over ASigma’s berserk mode timing. The tower can also be positioned as a deterrent to prevent your opponents from deploying near it, lest they risk triggering ASigma’s berserk mode.

Naturally, ASigma’s position as a melee-range damage dealer exposes her to a ton of risk. As such, she performs best when used in comps built around her. ASigma performs best in aggressive rush comps that take full advantage of her strengths as a damage dealer - frontline hybrid to overwhelm the enemy team before they can properly set up on their side of the field.

There are a number of ways to consistently counter ASigma and mitigate her impact:

  • Dedicated anti-striker damage dealers: ASigma typically runs damage gear (i.e. Maze CDR), so she only has her innate tankiness and her team to keep her alive.

  • Stall comps: Stall comps are the best way to weather ASigma’s early game onslaught and naturally scale well as the game progresses. ASigma comps, and rush comps in general, drop off considerably the longer matches go on.

  • Buff removal: ASigma’s immortality buff is removable. This can seriously affect her performance as many players heavily rely on this to keep up the tempo. Denying ASigma her berserk state removes a massive amount of pressure.

  • Healing reflux: Awakened Seoyoon’s healing reflux will counter ASigma if given the opportunity to apply the debuff. However, Awakened Seoyoon herself isn’t that great in PVP so it would be at the expense of all other matchups.

  • Redirecting ASigma’s Ult: ASigma’s ultimate can be redirected by the usual suspects (Gremory, Kang, Raphaela, etc.) to avoid the damage entirely.

While ASigma is strong, she is naturally exposed to a lot of risk as a melee-range damage dealer. At times she will feel like an unkillable stat stick monstrosity, but with the proper countermeasures she can be made manageable. 

Pros & Cons

  • Covers a lot of roles in a single unit; she’s a self-healing frontline tank with good consistent DPS and extremely high burst damage on the ultimate. Both early and late game players can get a ton of mileage out of her kit.


  • There is a lot of randomness baked into her kit; ASigma’s low crit rate and 3-hit ultimate means her damage can swing wildly

  • Her special skill targeting logic can be incredibly unpredictable.

Other information

Gear recommendation
PVE gear


Can be substituted for Swift CDR relics with Skill Haste latents

PVP gear


Can be substituted for Swift CDR relics with Skill Haste latents

The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).