
Personal information
Character ID
Full Name
Ship's HP
Ship's ATK
Ship's DEF
Ship's CDR
KR, Global


I'll be good to you
60 seconds
Level 1

Instantly removes all buffs from enemies and for 8 seconds grants 12% DEF to ally employees with 1-4 cost and 1% max HP regeneration per second to ally employees with 1-3 cost

Level 8

Instantly removes all buffs from enemies and for 8 seconds grants 24% DEF to ally employees with 1-4 cost and 3.75% max HP regeneration per second to ally employees with 1-3 cost.

Skill trigger order

Striker > Ranger > Supporter



Moena is a strange blend of Olivie and Serina, providing bits of utility from both operators. Moena takes Olivie’s heal and combines it with Serina’s buff nullification. Unique to Moena is a DP-cost condition to the buffs she applies to your units.

In PVE, she is completely useless because her buffs do not provide any value.

In PVP, there previously was some merit to using Moena for when you were willing to trade away Serina’s full buff nullification for Moena’s one-time buff removal (technically it’s buff nullification for one second) plus some defensive utility. However, Moena is no longer relevant following the ASSR stat readjustment patch. 

Moena’s cost-restrictions kill her viability in the new ASSR-centric meta. ASSRs cost too much to be eligible for Moena’s defensive buffs. Traditional non-ASSR comps have been pushed out of the meta, and with them, Moena.

Pros & Cons


- None.


- The PVP comps she’s meant to work with are dead; there is no team that would take Moena.

- Other operators do the same thing better.