Should You Pull? (TLDR)

Desert Flannel is a 5-star support that works best if she’s in a Beast Afflatus team. She gains 1 moxie for every Beast ally in the team and her ultimate boosts their damage extra. If you need a buffer and you use a lot of Beast characters, she could be perfect for you. But if you don’t have a Beast team built up at the moment and are not planning to, she won’t be able to reach her full potential without one.


Combat Role: Support

Desert Flannel is a 5-Star Support character of the Beast Afflatus. Essentially, she’s a fairly self-reliant support that would work best in mono-Beast teams for various reasons. First, her ultimate, “Beep, Plappy,” is a mass heal that also grants allies 2 stacks of [Power Burst], which is a DMG boost, and additionally, 2 stacks of [Momentum], which boost Incantation Might to Beast-type characters. So while this does boost non-Beast characters, it benefits them much more if they were one. What's more, at Insight 3, she gains 1 moxie when entering combat for every Beast Afflatus ally in battle. This allows her to quickly get her ultimate up near the start of the battle, an Ultimate which, as mentioned, also boosts her Beast allies extra.

All of this makes her 100% the best choice by far in Beast Afflatus teams. But of course, she does have uses that would benefit both teams (aside from the already mentioned Mass Heal ULT and Buffs), so let's take a look at her kit aside from the Beast-specific things. Her skill, “Only Family,” is a self-counter that applies up to 3 stacks of [Plappy], depending on the star level, which works the same way as NewBabel’s follow up attack, and also up to 2 stacks of [Burst of Strength] to self, increasing her damage when attacking by 25%. Her counter here is quite important because it boosts her damage significantly. Plus it directly interacts with other parts of her kit, such as her other skill, Mixed Doubles, which is just a regular single-target attack. However, if she has a buff or a counter, the Critical Rate and Critical DMG will be increased by 25%. Similarly, her Insight I also gives her an increase in her Critical Rate under the same conditions.

Desert Flannel is pretty easy to use; she’s a DMG Buff character for herself and the whole team, but especially for mono-Beast Afflatus teams, which is where you should be using her.

Pros & Cons

  • She has the potential to gain Moxie very fast at the start of battle, if she has Beast allies.
  • Can provide general DMG Buffs to her teammates and herself.
  • Can provide a counter which also boosts her own damage.
  • She’s an easy fit in most mono-Beast teams.

  • While still usable, she is admittedly not even close to her full potential in non-Beast teams.
  • Other uses of her in non-Beast teams will be quite niche, for example maybe you can use her with 37, but that would be ignoring a large part of her kit.
  • She does need to set up the counters/buffs to do good DMG on her own.


Desert Flannel’s Portrays aren’t super significant, especially the earlier ones. Her portrays are regular percentage increases for her own DMG but at Portray 5 she gains a larger attack buff to Power Burst which affects all allies. Either way, I wouldn’t focus too much on getting her Portrays plus you’re probably bound to get some eventually because she’s a 5-star.

Great Synergies

Desert Flannel is easy to put into any Beast team really. As she’s fairly self reliant aside from the conditions of working best in a Beast team. It is worth mentioning if you want to use her outside Beast teams, she’s one of the rare characters who does have follow up attacks, which means you can use her with 37.


Here are the best Psychubes you can use on Desert Flannel:


Any Beast Afflatus characters should pair really well with her, honestly. You can make a full DPS heavy team with something like this Centurion, Shamane (Or just go with a healer if it’s hard to keep the team alive), Desert Flannel.

Centurion is a pretty solid DPS who can gain moxie on her own, which means she isn’t that AP greedy. You have Shamane to boost the team’s overall damage by applying his mass debuffs, and Desert Flannel can apply DMG buffs to everyone in the team, and her ultimate can help them survive by healing. This is just one example but you should be able to see the setup. She can even work with budget DPS options like Leilani if you really want to.

The pairing with Shamane works especially well for raid teams. Where you can also run a true healer like Medicine Pocket to go with it.