UlmusInformation and Guide


Ulmus is an A-Level
character from the Tank
class who belongs to the Wilder
faction. Their auto-attack range is 1.

A resilient Tank who can withstand attacks and become more offensive in battle.

To learn more about Ulmus check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Last updated

Ulmus profile has been last updated at: October 13th, 2024.

To learn more about Ulmus check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.






Ancient Tenacity

Unlocks at level 1

Cooldown: 0s

Range: 1 Tile

Initial Energy: 0

Passive. When Ulmus' HP ratio drops below 30% for the first time, he retreats to the backline and takes root to recover 30% + 2% HP. While rooted, Ulmus is Unaffected and unable to move. His normal attacks become ranged and deal an additional 50% damage to enemies surrounding the primary target.

Active. Ulmus attacks an enemy, knocking the target and adjacent enemies into the air. dealing 200% + 20% damage plus an extra 4% damage. This skill prioritizes the area with the most enemies within his attack range.

Unlocks at level 51: Increases the damage dealt to 210% + 20%.

Unlocks at level 111: Increases the damage dealt to 220% + 20%.

Unlocks at level 171: Increases the damage dealt to 230% + 20%.

Unlocks at level 231: Increases the damage dealt to 240% + 20%.

Skill I

Verdant Barrier

Unlocks at level 11

Cooldown: 14s

Range: Global

Ulmus gains a 25% + 3% shield that lasts 10s. When the shield breaks, it deals : 160% + 15% damage to surrounding enemies. If Ulmus is rooted, he will grant the shield to the frontmost ally instead.

Unlocks at level 71: Increases the shield value to 28% + 23%.

Unlocks at level 131: Increases the shield value to 32% + 23%.

Unlocks at level 191: Increases the shield value to 35% + 23%.

Skill II

Way of the Forest

Unlocks at level 31

Cooldown: -

Range: Global

Passive. Ulmus recovers 3.5% + 20.5% of his lost HP per second. When rooted, he will instead recover 30 + 4 Energy per second.

Unlocks at level 91: Increases the HP recovered per second to 4% + 20.5%, or the Energy recovered to 32 + 4.

Unlocks at level 151: Increases the HP recovered per second to 4.5% + 20.5%, or the Energy recovered to 34 + 4.

Unlocks at level 211: Increases the HP recovered per second to 5% + 20.5%, or the Energy recovered to 36 + 4.

Hero Focus

Hero Focus

Unlocks after reaching Legendary+

Cooldown: -

Range: 1 tile

Increases max HP by 17% during the battle.

Level 2: Increases max HP by 23% during the battle.

Level 3: Increases max HP by 29% during the battle.

EX. Skill

Prowling Roots

Unlocks after reaching Mythic+

Cooldown: -

Range: Global

Ulmus extends his roots to trap vulnerable enemies on the battlefield. Whenever an enemy target is knocked down, knocked into the air or affected by other displacement effects, Ulmus binds the target to the ground, increasing the knockdown duration by 2s and dealing 80% damage. This effect can only affect the same enemy once every 10s.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Increases the damage dealt to 100%.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Gains 60 Life Drain when dealing damage with this skill.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Increases the damage dealt to 120%.

Enhance Force

Enhance Force

Unlocks after reaching Supreme+

Affects: Skill 1

Ulmus knocks back adjacent enemies by 1 tile when the shield granted by Verdant Barrier breaks or vanishes.

Season 2 Charm

To check the Charm's set bonus for Ulmus go to our Season 2 Charms guide.


Ulmus images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.



Ulmus is an A-Rank Wilder Tank, whose gimmick involves not dying on frontlines immediately but rather jumping to the backline when his HP ratio drops below 30%. After jumping, he roots himself to recover his HP while remaining unaffected and stationary. His Ultimate’s Passive Ability allows him to utilize ranged AoE attacks, whereas the Activite Ability knocks enemies into the area and prioritizes the area with most enemies within range.

Being Rooted, also changes his other skills. Verdant Barrier’s small shield, which deals damage to enemies when it breaks, is granted to the frontmost ally instead of himself when Rooted. Way of the Forest passive health regeneration turns to energy regeneration when Rooted.

Now, for a quick overview of his performance in the various Game Modes:

  • Story and AFK Stages - At high deficit, he is often the best pick for Tank or Off-Tank role due to his incredible synergy with Eironn and other allies with CC skills, which allows the team to disable and kill the enemy team without taking much damage in return. He also stays alive long enough to use his Ultimate to help finish enemies off.

  • Dream Realm - He doesn’t perform well in Boss content as they are immune to CC and his single target damage is lackluster.

  • PVP - He finds himself in usual Eironn Control teams for the same reasons he works well in AFK stages, provided the enemy does not have Lily May. The release of Lily May greatly diminished Ulmus’ usage in Regular Arena, but he can still be used to great effect in Supreme Arena where Lily May can be avoided.

Investment Info
  • Legendary+ increases his tankiness.

  • Mythic+ extends friendly knockdown and displacement CC effects and deals damage.

  • EX +10 grants him Life Drain when his Mythic + effect activates.

  • Supreme+ grants his personal shield a knockback effect increasing synergy with Arden/Carolina.

Ulmus does not work very well at single copy and will ideally want a minimum of Mythic + to be used in Crowd Control teams for his synergy. However, his EX Weapon can be left at +5/+8.


Ulmus is a great Tank option for CC-heavy teams, usually paired with Eironn. Pull for him if you want a boost for AFKstage pushing or an extra tool for your Eironn-based PVP teams.

Pros & Cons

  • Best in slot for many AFK Stages.

  • Hard to kill.

  • Extends ally CC duration.

  • Strong Crowd Control abilities.


  • Useless against Bosses.

  • Does nothing against Unaffected enemies.

  • May leave the frontline vulnerable without a second tank to take enemy aggro.

  • Needs high dupe investment.

General Ratings

AFK Stages


Battle Drill




Dream Realm (Overall)

Dream Realm Ratings







Snow Stomper


Lone Gaze


Alpha Bear




Crystal Beetle


EX Investment

Since the

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
Twilight Essence
Twilight Essence
are very hard to obtain, you have to be really careful with the using them to upgrade the EX weapon. And in this guide we ordered all characters by the priority when it comes to how much they need investment in their EX weapon to work well and where should you stop to get the best bang for your buck.

Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?

Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
, while the remaining two levels require additional 45x
Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
. So you get the best bang for your buck stopping at +8.

Color explanation:

  • +0 - the base investment for the character,
  • +5/8 - the next step that you should do when investing into that character,
  • +10/15 - the final step you should do when investing into that character - you can go beyond that later though once you have the Essences to spare.

Ulmus synergies aren't available yet. They will be added soon.

Video guides

Ulmus guide videos aren't available yet.