About Eversoul

Eversoul is a idle gacha game developed by Nine Ark and published by Kakao Games. The development team is based in South Korea and Eversoul it's their first game, but Kakao Games is a well known publisher that you might know from Guardian Tales and World Flipper for example.

What's an idle game?

An idle game is a game that doesn't need constant player input to progress. While for the first week or so after installing the game, you will be busy progressing through the story, unlocking new game modes or functionalities and everything will feel like any other mobile RPG game, soon you will hit a wall - your characters won't be strong enough to tackle the stage. This is the moment when the idle game part kicks in. Since idle games don't have stamina and you can't go back to earlier stages to 'farm' there, the only thing you can do is close the game, relax and wait.

And while you're waiting, the game will 'farm' resources for you - and when you open it next day you will be able to make your characters stronger and soon you will beat the wall. Rinse and repeat.

Here's a few examples of other popular idle games: AFK Arena, NIKKE, Mythic Heroes, Idle Heroes.

Common terms

Before we move to the guide itself, here are some basic common terms used in idle games like Eversoul.

  • Soul - that's how characters you can use in this game are called.
  • C - Common soul. Marked by a green background.
  • R - Rare soul. Marked by a blue background.
  • E - Epic soul. Marked by a purple background.
  • + (for example R+) - this means a sub-tier between the big tiers.
  • Food / Fooder - souls that are used to upgrade other Souls.
  • Buff - a positive effect that makes your Souls stronger by increasing their stats or giving them new abilities.
  • Debuff - a negative effect that makes your Souls weaker. Basically the opposite of a buff.
  • CC (Crowd Control) - an effect that makes a Soul stop fighting. For example, Stun and Sleep can be classified as CC effects.
  • DoT (Damage over Time) - a negative effect that makes a Soul receive damage over its duration.
  • Cleanse - an ability that can remove debuffs from ally Souls.
  • Dispell - an ability that can remove buffs from enemy Souls.
  • HoT (Heal over Time) – a positive effect that makes a Soul receive healing over its duration.
  • Mana – Effects casting of skills, Higher Mana regeneration equates to faster skill casting and vice-versa.
  • Speed – Effects how fast skills are rotated, higher the speed, faster the skill procs and vice versa.
  • Type / Faction Damage – Additional damage inflicted by souls to certain factions.
  • Damage Sharing – an effect where the damage incurred by teammates is instead channelled to the Soul with the effect by certain %.
  • M.Res/P.Res – Magical Resistance/Physical Resistance, an effect that allows you to decrease Magical or Physical Damage by certain extent.
  • Invulnerability – an effect that causes the targeted soul to become immune to any damage during its duration.
  • Lifesteal – an ability that heals the soul by converting part of damage inflicted by the soul’s attack into % of HP.
  • CC Immunity – an ability that allows soul to resist any Crowd Control effect inflicted on it.
  • Anti Heal – an effect that reduces the healing received by soul by a certain %.
  • Mana Steal – an effect that allows soul to reduce Mana of enemy soul while simultaneously recovering their own.
  • Skill Activation – an ability that increases the chances of secondary effects in skills to be casted successfully.
  • Pull – an ability that allows a soul to pull an enemy soul from backline to frontline.
  • Awakened Units - A New type of unit introduced in May 2024, Awakened Units are Limited units that are Variants of existing characters in new Chaos faction and can only be pulled from their Rate Up Banner and Erika Alchemy unlike rest of souls.


Characters (Souls) in Eversoul can be split based on various criteria: Classes, Factions and Rarity. Let's talk about Classes first.

  • Caster - your typical mages. They hide in the backline while casting devastating spells toward the enemies and most of their damage usually comes from them,
  • Defender - the frontline of your team. Their job is to stand there and take a beating, while keeping the backline of the team safe,
  • Ranger - your pew pew characters. They sit in the backline alongside Casters, but while their skills are also deadly, their regular attacks actually can deal a lot of damage too,
  • Striker - the agile frontliners. Compared to Defenders and Warriors, they have less bulk, but in exchange have higher damage output,
  • Supporter - the heart of the team. Without healers or buffers your team won't be able to survive enemies' onslaught - their heals and buffs are really crucial. Just make sure to keep them safe!
  • Warrior - a frontliner with teeth. While Defenders are all about bulk and Strikers about agility, Warriors sit in the middle trying to balance both sides.


Characters (Souls) in Eversoul belong to one of 6 factions, these are the characters that excel from each faction.


The Human faction consists of characters that are pretty universal and can work in any team.

Important characters from the faction:

  • Aki - an Assassin that, when decently invested in, can one-shot most of the characters in the game. Her skill will constantly reset with each kill until everyone on the enemy team is dead.
  • Naomi - a Caster who primarily excels in Guild Raid and Event Raid content, Naomi is one of the best DPS around due to her unique kit that allows her to ramp up her ultimate to levels of a nuke by constantly using her main skills.
  • Beleth - a healer support which is one of the core units of various human teams in PVE as well as raid content due to her great heals, team buffs, and mana battery abilities.

The Beast faction is very heavy on melee-based characters. It includes the first set of paired characters in the game (Mica & Seeha), who have to be used in the same team to bring out their full potential. Like the Human faction, Beasts can often be used in mixed teams.

Important characters from the faction:

  • Lute - a defender who excels in raid content as a main DPS, (yes, you saw it right). Lute, despite being a defender by role, is a great low-investment DPS unit used in multiple raids thanks to her ultimate skill combined with the Defense Treasure.
  • Honglan -a Caster who focuses on controlling the battlefield and doing hybrid (upfront and DoT) damage, Honglan is one of the best support-carries in the game. She slows the enemy team, allowing your team to skill faster and more often.

The Fairy faction focuses on controlling the battlefield with CC abilities, and has a significant amount of strong casters and ranged attackers. They also boast some of the best supporters in the game that can be slotted into any team.

Important characters from the faction:

  • Daphne - fairy's second Defender, she reduces her team's damage by diverting it to herself, becomes invulnerable upon reaching 0 HP (once per battle) then takes all that damage and deletes the enemy team with her main skill. While she usually works better as a sub-tank, her utility cannot be denied.
  • Talia - a Supporter who can heal and buff her allies, restore their mana so they can use their skills faster, and cleanse debuffs. On top of that, she can remove buffs from enemies, and her damage isn't too shabby either (if you use her Ultimate).
  • Vivienne - a Caster who on top of having respectable damage, can provide a speed buff to her teammates, acting as a decent support even if she's not being used as a main DPS.
  • Chloe - the classic Defender who can increase own DEF, CC enemies and taunt the whole enemy team. She also has a cheat death passive that allows her to heal as she reaches low HP (only once per battle). Basically the best pure tank in the game.

The Undead faction mainly focuses on damage over time effects and other debuffs, and tends to work better together than in mixed faction teams. Undead is well situated as the best raid faction, as they can deal respectable damage even at low investment.

Important characters from the faction:

  • Violette - a Caster who can increase own ATK and damage output based on the amount of DoT effects on enemies. She is the original raid standard, doing amazing damage even at low investment when teamed up with other Undead faction Souls.
  • Garnet - a support-based Ranger whose debuffs on the enemy are second to none. She increases your team's damage significantly, especially in raids, while also having respectable damage potential herself.
  • Velanna - The first undead unit released after launch - Velanna manages to stay relevant till date due to her strong DPS stacking on enemies inflicted with Bleed, making her the best unit to pair with Ayame, as you can do a combo of Ayame Main → Vel Main → Vel Ult to eradicate most if not all enemies in one go. Outside of DPS, she has respectable tanking ability as offtank being a frontliner DPS and can help take load off main tanks in situations.
  • Bryce and Melfice - The second pair of Twin Units introduced in game, Bryce and Melfice are very strong duo that not only excel when paired together, but also work very well solo unlike Mica and Seeha, The duo shines in raid content especially, landing them in best DPS teams more often than not.

The Angel faction is a special faction in Eversoul - not only can they only be countered by the Demon faction, but they can be placed in any team and act as one of the faction with the highest amount in that team for faction bonus. The downside to Angel faction is that they are hard to pull and ascend, making them a big investment to build.

Available characters:

  • Yuria - The Defacto Queen of game, her highness Yuria is unmatched in her skillset and utility, despite not dealing a single point of damage throughout the fights, she is an invaluable asset due to her healing and buffs, and is especially beneficial in raids for her faction damage boost, which is unique to her and is able to boost your team’s raid damage to new heights.
  • Claudia - a Caster whose AoE damage is second to none. When well invested, she can usually delete the entire enemy team, as long as your frontliners can keep her alive until she can use her main and Ultimate skills.
  • Adrianne - a Defender who can heal allies, CC enemies and disrupt enemy formation by pulling important targets. She also gets stronger the more enemies surround her.

The Demon faction is another special faction in Eversoul - similar to Angel, they are only countered by Angel and can be placed into any team. However, their faction bonus differs in that it does not add to other faction bonuses, but brings its own more offensive-oriented bonus. They also have the same downside, as they are hard to pull and ascend.

Available characters:

  • Ayame - a Caster who features one of the highest damage multipliers in-game and true to it, she deals massive DPS in AoE scenarios, but that’s not all as Ayame has plethora of other special skills including CC, debuffs, and increased damage enemies receive. As previously mentioned, her AoE bleed allows her to synergize with Velanna insanely well allowing the duo to wipe most enemy teams with their mains and ult combo.
  • Lizelotte - a Ranger who can double the effect of most buffs affecting her, and has guaranteed crits against enemies that are isolated from their team (or have no team). Her kit makes her a top tier raid unit and with every new unit her value increases as more buffs for her to abuse.
  • Eve - the First anniversary unit, Eve was the first unit featuring dual mode kit allowing her to function as both Main DPS and Pure support. While there are few other DPS better than her, only Yuria comes close to the sheer utility Eve provides to her teammates, fortunately both can be used together for amazing synergy and buffs to your team. Lizelotte’s best friend.

The first faction introduced by game post launch – Chaos faction came to game in May 2024 and is aimed to be used by Variants of Existing characters. Like Angel and Demon factions, the units from these factions are harder to acquire and ascend (With addition of Chaos Faction units being restricted to their Pick Up Banners and Erika Alchemy as mode of obtaining only).

Available characters:

  • Catherine (Radiance) - The First Chaos as well as Awakened Unit in-game, Catherine (Radiance) is another Dual Kit unit like Eve allowing her to function as DPS or as a Support. She similarly excels in both aspects, though she positively shines as a Support.

On the image below you can see how the factions counter each other:


Rarity tiers

Each character that you can obtain in the game belongs to one of three rarity tiers: common, rare and epic.

  • Common characters (green - max level is 40) will be rarely used even at the start of the game and will be discarded for a currency that you can use in a one of the shops,
  • Rare characters (blue - max level is 60) will be used in the early game, but Epic characters will soon start replacing them. Still, Rare characters have an important function - they can be upgraded to Epic rarity (and higher) and then be used as fodder to upgrade the rarity of your Epic characters,
  • Epic characters (purple - max level is 100) will form the core of your team once you obtain them, but getting a single copy of them isn't enough.

In idle games, the starter rarities are only the beginning. While their names were not revealed yet, we know what colors they will have: orange, pink, and blue/purple gradient.

To reach the higher rarities, you will need to raise Rare characters to Epic and use them as fodder, but also get dupes for the Epic characters you actually plan to use. We prepared a guide that explains how to use this system:

Team building

The team in Eversoul consist of 5 characters and similar to other games, you will obtain additional stats when you use more characters from the same faction.

  • Have 3 characters from the same faction in the team - +10% ATK and +10% HP,
  • Have 5 characters each from different faction in the team - +10% ATK and +10% HP,
  • Have 3 characters from the same faction in the team and 2 from a different faction - +15% ATK and +15% HP,
  • Have 4 characters from the same faction in the team - +20% ATK and +20% HP,
  • Have 5 characters from the same faction in the team - +25% ATK and +25% HP.

Angel, Demon and Chaos factions break the above rules though. If you add an Angel faction character to your team, it will act as if it belongs to the faction you have most characters of in the team. For example, if you have 3x Undead, 1x Fairy and 1x Angel, you will get the 4 faction bonus as the Angel character will be treated as Undead.

As for the Demon faction - they don't interact with other factions, but provide bonuses based on the number of Demon characters in the team:

  • 1x Demon - +15% ATK
  • 2x Demon - +15% ATK, +10% Crit chance
  • 3x Demon - +15% ATK, +10% Crit chance, +20% Crit dmg
  • 4x Demon - +20% ATK, +15% Crit chance, +25% Crit dmg
  • 5x Demon - +25% ATK, +20% Crit chance, +30% Crit dmg

As for the Chaos - they don't interact with other factions, but provide bonuses based on the number of Chaos characters in the team, that is 3% Increase in HP/ATK/DEF for each Chaotic soul.

But what's different from other idle games is that in Eversoul you can also set a Formation and depending on your choice, you will get different bonus stats.


There are 4 formations you can choose:

  • 3 back + 2 front - front characters get +9% DEF and HP, and back characters get +6% ATK
  • 2 back + 3 front - front characters get +6% DEF and HP, and back characters get +9% ATK
  • 4 back + 1 front - front character gets +16% DEF and HP, and back characters get +4% ATK
  • 1 back + 4 front - front characters get +4% DEF and HP, and back character gets +16% ATK

So what should you do to progress faster?

  • Pick 1 character each from the 4 main factions (Humans, Beasts, Fairy and Undead) that you have most dupes of,
  • For the 5th spot, pick a second character from the faction you have most dupes and fodder,
  • Throw the characters you actually want to use in your team in the Synchro Device - this will allow you to level them past their level cap and still make them usable,
    • Just do note that this will work when the difference in tier is is 1-2 tiers. When it's bigger, the stat bonus you get from Ascending up a tier will be too big and you will have to adjust your plan.

This will allow you to spread your Fodder nicely and by doing so progress at a much faster pace. And at the same time, you will be able to build your team to make use of the Faction bonuses.

For a dedicated early-game team building guide go here:

Tier list

Check our tier list for the early game!

Early progression

Tutorial is the first thing that awaits you in Eversoul. The game will teach you how to setup formation, use Active and Ultimate skills, how to level a character and other things. You will obtain Linzy midway though the tutorial. If you decide to skip all cutscenes, the tutorial should take you around 15-20 minutes or so.

At the end of the tutorial, you will unlock the Summoning feature and obtain the Infinite Newbie Ticket. As the name suggest, you will be able to reroll the ticket as many times as you want. After doing a pull using the ticket, you will obtain 10 characters and only one of them will be Epic. Still, this is enough to get the character you want, so don't be afraid to roll as long as you need. After accepting the pull you made, the game will progress.

Continue progressing through the story and by doing so, you will unlock additional features.

For more tricks and tips, check this guide:

More information

If you want to learn more about the the game, check our massive beginner guide guide, available here: