
Basic info

Agents are playable units in ZZZ. You are given 3 agents for free (Anby, Nicole and Billy):

Agents are split into two rarities - S and A, with S rank Agents being more powerful and harder to get on average.


Here are all the combat stats agents can gain and what they do.

Agent Stats
  • HP - How much damage an Agent can take before falling in combat
  • ATK - How much damage an Agent deals
  • DEF - Reduces the damage an Agent takes
  • Impact - Attacking enemies increases their DAze. A higher Impact stat allows more Daze to accumulate with each attack.
  • Crit Rate - How likely it is for the Agent to land a critical hit
  • Crit DMG - Determines the damage multiplier when landing a critical hit
  • PEN - Ignores a set amount of the target’s DEF based on the PEN stat when attacking an enemy.
  • Pen Ratio - Ignores a percentage of the target’s DEF based on the PEN Ratio stat when attacking an enemy.
  • Attribute Mastery - Increases the damage dealt by Attribute Anomalies
  • Energy Regen - After entering combat, Agents passively generate Energy every second. The higher this value is, the more Energy gained per second.
  • Energy Generation Rate - Energy Generation Rate will increase the Energy generated through Energy Regen, and attacking enemies.
  • Anomaly Rate Bonus - An Anomaly Rate Bonus increases the Anomaly Buildup dealt by Attribute attacks. When an enemy’s Anomaly Buildup reaches a certain level, an Attribute Anomaly will be triggered.
Character Attributes
  • All agents are categorized into one of five Attributes:
    • Fire
    • Electric
    • Ice
    • Physical
    • Ether
  • In addition Agents can specialize in three different fighting styles:
    • Slash
    • Strike
    • Pierce
  • Combining Agents with specific Attributes and Fighting styles in the same squad allows you to activate their additional abilities and grants them extra buffs. Each character gains different additional abilities so correct team building is key!
  • When an agent deals attribute damage, they inflict a certain amount of Anomaly Buildup. Once a certain level of buildup is reached, the enemy will be afflicted with an attribute anomaly debuff of the corresponding attribute. Additionally, exploiting enemies’ weakness to certain Attributes to trigger Attribute Anomaly will intensify the Anomaly effect.

Here are the Anomaly Debuffs we know of currently:

ActivationDealing Electric damage to enemies accumulates the Electric Attribute Anomaly, which triggers the Shock effect when enough is accumulated.
DebuffShock: Being attacked intermittently triggers additional Electric damage and interrupts enemy actions. Robotic enemies are unable to move while Shocked.
ActivationDealing Physical damage to enemies accumulates the Physical Attribute Anomaly, which triggers the Assault and Armor Break effects when enough is accumulated.
  • Assault: Interrupts the enemy and deals massive Physical damage.
  • Armor Break: Physical Damage Resistance is reduced for a certain period.
ActivationDealing Ice damage to enemies accumulates the Ice Attribute Anomaly, which triggers the Freeze and Frostbite effects when enough is accumulated.
  • Freeze: Prevents taking action for a certain period, and triggers Shatter at the end of the effect, dealing Ice damage.
  • Frostbite: Ice Damage Resistance is reduced for a certain period.
ActivationDealing Fire damage to enemies accumulates the Fire Attribute Anomaly, which triggers the Burn effect when enough is accumulated.
DebuffBurn: Deals continuous Fire damage. Organic enemies are unable to move while Burned.
ActivationDealing Ether damage to enemies accumulates the Ether Attribute Anomaly, causing the Corruption effect when enough is accumulated.
DebuffCorruption: Causes additional Ether damage when attacked. Corrupted Ethereal enemies will also attack both friend and foe.
Enemy Types

Enemies come in different types and are vulnerable to different elemental damage:

  • Ethereal are vulnerable to Ether-Type Attacks.
  • Organic are vulnerable to Fire-Type Attacks.
  • Machine are vulnerable to Electric-Type Attacks.

Currently we are unaware of enemies vulnerable to Ice and Physical.

Agent Training

If you want to learn more about how to make your Agents stronger, check this guide: